
Showing posts from April, 2016

Tiny Garden House

Tiny Garden House Fairy Garden Drawing This past weekend, I had the opportunity to volunteer at Cultivate Coffee & Taphouse for their kids craft activity this past Saturday. They asked that I teach the kids how to draw a Fairy Garden. It was a lot of fun working with the children. I showed them one of my drawings and their imaginations just took off! Hannah amazed me. At only 4 years old she had drawn her own fairy house that looked great. Another young lady in third grade,whose name I have no idea how to spell, drew a fairy castle, trees, and even a lot of fairies. I helped guide her by showing her some new ways to hold her pencil and and add variation in with her colored pencil by using more and less pressure. She was pleased with what she learned. It's a shame that I didn't think to take pictures of their adorable art. I would love to see your drawings of tiny gardens. Please share. You may also print and color the above pages if this is for personal use. If...

Rose in Pastel

Rose in Pastel Marker Base for Oil Pastel Here's a new technique that I learned for oil pastels that really adds depth in a hurry. In this practice sketch, the black base is with marker. This enabled me to leave the majority of the paper white while add deep shadows and color underneath the pastel. At first I was skeptical as to whether it would work. What a delight to discover how well it worked. I will want to try this on more projects. Have you tried this technique and what results have you had from it? This art is property of Jodie Brown. Please contact Jodie if you would like more information.