It's apples and pumpkin time!

Red Delicious Apples at Wasem's Fruit Farm
photo by Jodie Brown
Michigan is so fun to live in at the change of seasons. It is apple and pumpkin time here. Many of our fruit orchards are open for people to come in and pick apples and pumpkins fresh off the trees or vines. In addition to selling these fruits and vegetables, they also sell fabulous fresh hot donuts. Wasem Fruit Farm,, let me come in create sketches and paintings of their apple orchard recently. It was a picture perfect day with beautiful blue skies, puffy white clouds, apple smell, juicy sweet gala apple taste, and kids laughing and playing. Of course, I also had to buy the tasty donuts to take home to share with my husband.

For those of you living near Ann Arbor or Jackson, we will be painting the below pumpkin scene October 16th in Jackson (pending doctor approval for me to drive to that far.) If my Ann Arbor students would like to paint this as well, please let me know, and I will try to work in a time for you. The class was scheduled for this week. I could teach on Saturday at 1:00. Just let me or my store know. Thanks.

This art is property of Jodie Brown. Please contact Jodie if you would like more information.
"The Great Pumpkin" this pumpkin was at
Wasem's Fruit Farm last year. Painting by Jodie Brown


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